Illva Sustainability Path

On September 2021, ILLVA Group began a journey to integrate sustainability into their strategies, striving for continuous improvement and to create a fully sustainable corporate culture.
The I.S.P. project – ILLVA Sustainability Path follows the 17 Sustainable Development Goals – SDGs set by the 2030 UN Agenda, starting from the analysis of the company’s major impacts in relation to
ESG – Environmental, Social, Governance.
An operational plan detailing the initiatives to be implemented has been defined and the publication of the first Sustainability Report is expected by mid-2023.

In May 2021 Illva Saronno installed a new solar energy system which, together with the reliance on certified “green” energy, allows its plant to be powered by renewable sources only. The photovoltaic system produced until the 1st of April 2024: 

0 kg
0 kWh

Sustainability is a central theme for the future of the company: this project will allow ILLVA to integrate initiatives already implemented with an organic plan of further interventions to make the Group increasingly sustainable.